Samson Dauda Reveals His Full Day of Eating 8.5 Weeks Out


Following an online video release, Samson Dauda, the bodybuilding powerhouse, has shared a behind-the-scenes look at his daily eating regimen as he prepares for the upcoming Mr Olympia 2023 series. Dauda is presently a little over 8.5 weeks out from the competition and is committed to maintaining optimal physical conditioning while adhering to a strict diet.

Eye on the Olympia

During his usual vlogging day, Dauda took his followers through his full day of eating to showcase exactly what meals he's currently having at this juncture of his training regime.

First thing in the morning

Highlights from the footage included starting his day with cardio followed by breakfast. Dauda described his meals as consisting of "whole foods". His first meal, for instance, featured 100 grams of uncooked oats (blended) paired with a scoop of whey isolate and combined with water. A clear advocate for consistency, Dauda also revealed that his meals mostly remain the same whether in the off-season or prepping for competition. The major difference lies in portion sizes.

Time Of Day Meal
Breakfast 100g Oats, 1 scoop Whey Isolate

Keeping it Simple and Steady

As the day progressed, Dauda's second meal of the day included 250 grams of pre-cooked sweet potatoes and 200 grams of steak; emphasizing the value of pre-cooking and portioning meals. His pre-gym meal was another wholesome mix of 250 grams of pasta and 180 grams of ground beef, keeping carbs higher around training.

Time Of Day Meal
2nd Meal 250g Sweet Potatoes, 200g Steak
Pre-Gym 250g Pasta, 180g Ground Beef

Post Gym Meal

Post his workout, he whisked up his fourth meal consisting of two cups of rice and 250 grams of chicken breasts.

Time Of Day Meal
Post-Gym 2 cups of Rice, 250g Chicken Breasts

Fifth Meal and Dry Salmon Preparation

Throughout his regimen, Dauda has maintained 250 grams of chicken as part of his meals. However, for his final meal of the day, he switched to 180 grams of salmon, adding variety to his protein sources. He notably favors an air fryer to prepare his protein meals in bulk.

Time Of Day Meal
5th Meal 1.5 cups of Rice, 250g Chicken Breasts
Final Meal 150g Rice, 180g Salmon

Motivated for the Olympia

Dauda demonstrated his dedication to his craft with a clear focus on blending discipline, consistency, and balance in his specific diet choices. This latest update on his progress illuminates the meticulous preparation and ardent commitment required in the pursuit of a title like Mr. Olympia. His fans anxiously look forward to his performance on the grand stage which is the Mr Olympia 2023 series.

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