Get an Inside Look at 7X Mr. Olympia Winner Phil Heath's Injectable Stacks

 7X Mr. Olympia winner, Phil Heath recently got candid about his “injectable stacks” when he appeared on the Transcend Company Inc.’s Instagram page. Heath listed out the five injectable stacks he takes daily, which include BPC-157, TB-500, IGF-1, Tesamorelin Ipamorelin, and testosterone cypionate.

Heath’s admission of taking these injectables and their advantages comes on the heels of a very sensitive topic that’s oft debated in the current bodybuilding scenario. His comments echoed some of the previous bodybuilding legends like Ronnie Coleman, who have spoken about the usage of steroids in bodybuilding.

Phil Heath details the five injectable stacks he takes on a daily basis

Heath read the question from a card, saying “Favorite injectable stack with transcend?” Injectable stacks are steroids that many bodybuilders take to improve their physique and muscles. Heath then went on to list all of the different injectable stacks he has taken and how they positively impacted his health.

He said that in the morning, he takes BPC-157 and TB-500 for sure. Before working out, he takes IGF-1. And before going to sleep, he takes Tesamorelin Ipamorelin and sleeps like a baby. When he wakes up, he feels leaner. One positive outcome of this is that he doesn’t have carpal tunnel or insulin sensitivity problems like he did when taking human growth hormone. So, that’s a really good injectable stack that I do, and then obviously I’m doing 200 milligrams of testosterone cypionate”.

Heath also spoke about his body dysmorphia and how he is dealing with it positively. His story has resonated with many in the bodybuilding community and has sparked conversations about the right way to handle such issues.

Overall, Phil Heath’s candidness about his “injectable stacks” and his body dysmorphia has been an important step in raising awareness about such topics. It remains to be seen how this will influence the future of bodybuilding and its conversations around steroids.

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